Instant Pot Pro Crisp Pressure Cooker & Air Fryer 8 Quart

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Instant pot pro crisp pressure cooker & air fryer 8 quart. Instant pot pro crisp and air fryer unboxing review. Cook and crisp like a pro with the instant pot + air fryer. Promo is back to $20 now.
The most important and soon to be hottest kitchen appliance of 2019 holiday season. Brand new instant pot pro crisp and air fryer vs duo (last year's model) different results than i had expected. This onepot wonder does it all 2 innovative lids, giving you access to whole wo.
I have in hand brand new instant pot duo crisp 8 quart pres. Instant pot pro crisp pressure cooker. Instant pots latest and greatest pressure cooker / air fryer it is a beauty.
The difference between a 6 quart and 8 inst. If you have one of these is an excell. This the upgraded version of last years duo crisp model they have a.